GRID: Autosport. Обсуждение игры

;;-))) Я фигею с этого стрит рейсинга :sh_ok: ;;-))) Да в GT стрит рейсинга больше чем тут. Они когда последний раз на уличные заезды ходили?
Всё огорожено абсолютно всё… Осталось арматурную сетку на небо натянуть. А за ограждениями такими красивыми стоят дяди и тёти которые так и наровят ущепнуть того кто проезжает рядом с ними. Разсказчики довольные сидят потому что их уже ущепнули и не раз…

Route 5 GT в разы стритеровей :ti_pa:

это что за зверь? впервые слышу :slight_smile:

Дас ис трасса из Гран туризмо…

извини, но у меня нет консолей :ne_vi_del:

У меня тоже нет. Через эмульсию гонялся…

для тех, кто предзаказал, доступна предзагрузка

[details=“GRID Autosport // A Note on Future Content”]

Now that we’re a few laps past the launch of GRID Autosport, we thought it would be a good time to talk about the extra content that we’re planning on adding to the game over the next few months.

Many of you that have picked up the Season Pass have raised the question; “just what will I get?” We understand that silence around a Season Pass can raise a number of concerns, which is why we’re here today to give you a rough outline.

Car Packs

There will be three car packs for GRID Autosport:

  • Best of British
  • Coupe Style
  • Road & Track

We’ll have more info on the content of these packs a bit closer to the time of release.


When we first talked about GRID Autosport receiving Mini-Expansions a lot of you were incredibly positive, which is great! At the heart of each pack is a brand new single player championship and along with it a selection of tracks, routes and cars.

Each pack is built around a theme:

  • Sprint Pack
  • Touring Car Legends Pack
  • Drag Racing Pack (дрэг в гриде?)

As well as content, we also know that timing is vitally important to you. With that said, we can confirm that all DLC is currently scheduled to be released before October 2014.

As mentioned above, a Season Pass is available on both PC and PlayStation 3, and each DLC pack will also be available to buy separately across all formats.


In addition to new content we’re also hard at work on patches for the game, some of which you will have already seen deployed and others that are still on their way. These patches aren’t only for fixing any niggles or issues that you’ve helped identify but we’re also committed to improving the game where possible, based on your feedback.

One such feature will be a virtual rear view mirror, which will soon make its way into a PC patch. Alongside this we will also be allowing advanced controller options to be available for all peripherals, regardless of whether or not they are on our supported list. While we cannot say for certain how your controller will work, the options being available should allow you some degree of control over them.

Both of these features are currently undergoing our QA process and we’re hoping to push them live very soon.

Playlist changes are also something that’s due to happen, again, based on your feedback. When we first heard that you were disappointed that some circuits were not making many appearances we took the opportunity to do some investigating. Once we’d dug deep into the playlist rotations we took the decision to change things up a little.

The end result is that you should now see more GP Routes (the right way around as some may call it) making an appearance and we’ve also increased the number of tracks available to each discipline, which should ensure that all your favourite locations make an appearance across a number of disciplines.

We’ve been blown away by all the feedback we’ve received so far and we look forward to once again meeting you on the track.[/details]

RaceNet Challenge // Week 4

Поиграл я в новый грид… Не зацепил. Абсолютно не понравилось то, что перед малейшем поворотом надо тормозить почти “в ноль” (до 20 км/ч точно). Любая моя попытка дать угла заканчивалась ударом об ограждение, разбитыми бамперами, фарами, стеклами, мятыми дверями и капотом… И это на дисциплине по дрифту на Nissan Silvia S15. Я конечно понимаю, что это симулятор, но не до такой же степени!!! Dodge Challenger SRT8 392 я тоже успешно ушатал два раза… На треке.

Игру оценят, я думаю, “графодрочеры”. Не более того.

это ты на каких трассах катал? выруби помощников

газку поддай, тогда не будешь вылетать



Ты издеваешься? Я без них вообще улечу в кювет, при малешем движении авто в сторону. И то, я всю электронику там повырубал…

Скажи это NFS)) NFS меня учила дрифтить.

а я почему-то не вылетаю)

видео не моё


С клавы мне тяжело управлять. А руля нет и не будет.

так и я на клаве играю, :slight_smile:

Ну хз. Игру ставить заново не буду. SLRR получше будет.

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